
Trueshopping delivers orders free of cost on purchase of products more than a specified amount. Tradesmen and DIY persons can get plumbing materials such as connectors, ring fittings; copper end feed fittings and lot more from them. You may also purchase LED lights and solar products from well known brands. They deal with high quality chainsaws, strimmers, lawnmowers, pressure washers, generators and more. There are also special garden and outdoor furniture such as water pumps, garden watering, screens and arbours, pet houses, dining sets, loungers and more available here.


Orders are dispatched on Next Day delivery basis. A confirmation email will be sent to you as soon as your order has been dispatched. In case you plan to return an item then you are supposed to do it within 30 days from the date of receipt of the product. Cancellation of orders can also be made within 30 days after the delivery has been made. You can make your payment through debit card or credit card or even through PayPal. True shopping is based in Lancashire in the United Kingdom and has two on-site warehouses from where goods are supplied world wide to huge number of customers. You can safely share your personal and sensitive information with them as they use the server certificate to assure their customers about the encryption of data transmission. Interested persons may visit their site and earn discounts and offers. Cheers!