South West Trains

South West Trains belongs to a part of the registered company called the Stagecoach South Western Trains Limited which is again a part of Stagecoach Group. It deals with rail and bus operations in North America and the UK. South West Trains provides free dedicated service for business and corporate travel accounts.

Island Line also comes under the Stagecoach South Western Trains Limited. In the year 2012, South West Trains along with Network Rail brought out a new rail service in the South and South West part of England. You can also get train timings and tickets as you mention the names in From and To box, date and also number of adults and children. They offer different train tickets such as Single and Return tickets and Season tickets. Not just this. You can also get other information on visiting their online website. South Western Trains provide different train services such as catering, quiet zones, weekend specials and also for mums-to-be. Special permission for cycles and smoking (not inside the train but in car parks and outside the station) are also covered. It is very easy to search for hotels, attractions and South West Trains stations from their online website.