Reader's Digest

This company has announced a five year deal with LV=, an insurance and retirement solution provider. Thus it has helped its customers with financial services as well. Reader’s Digest has various categories such as health, food, gardening, saving money, fun and games, magazine and more. You can even shop with them on various other categories such as books, jewellery, gifts, DVDs, accessories for home, car and garden, health and beauty, music CDs and pet care. Also, financial services related to life insurance, health insurance, retirement planning and general insurance are available with them. You can also find for your holiday locations by just typing in the destination and check-in date.


Payment of bills to Reader’s Digest can be made easily on their website. For this, you need to register with them with an online account. Subscribe with them for a minimal amount and get a copy direct to your door step. You may also sign up with them for their newsletter to get special offers and discounts. People who have a flair for writing can submit their articles online. Not only these. There are a lot more. Interested persons may visit their website to know more. Cheers!