Vision2Learn, is an online e-learning centre that has developed a couple of courses, which are eligible for government funding in England, and they lead to national qualifications. These courses can be taken by anyone who is over 16 years of age. As they are funded by the government, you may be able to study it for free. Out here you have various options. You can choose form over 20 flexible and practical, free online courses and NVQs. As you are learning online, you can study at your own pace and convenience either from home or work. You can also receive expert assistance from an online tutor. In short, you are able to earn your qualification online at your convenience and stride.
Studying at Vision2Learn provides you with lots of benefits: -
- You get to develop new skills.
- You can train for any specialised field of work
- You get to learn and interact with new people
- You achieve a qualification that is recognised by UK.
So now you can register at Vision2Learn and join the e-learning community that consists of over 60,000 satisfied learners.