A combined effort by Sherringham and Cromer Choral Society will see free classes for singing being conducted in October in honour of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
People who partake in the Come and Sing Day will have the chance to sing some select 20th century patriotic British music. The programme will be held at St. Andrews Methodist Church, Cromer Road, Sherringham.
Both the Norfolk Community Foundation and the Norfolk County Council Year of Celebration 2012 Fund will back the event. Registrations for the programme starts at 10 o’ clock in the morning and the event would end with a casual concert show at 5.30 pm. All people are cordially invited to attend the programme.
The workshop would be headed by Lawrence Tao and Nathan Waring. Parry’s “I Was Glad”, “Clap Your Hands” by Rutter, Coronation Anthem from Walton and antiphon by Vaughan Williams will be some of the pieces of music that would be performed.
It is hoped that the song “Jubilate! Jubilee! will also be sung. In fact this is new music from Paul Mealor and was written by him to specifically commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.
Bob Cumber, Society chairman stated that all were welcome to the event irrespective whether they were experienced singers or otherwise. He went on to say that as a consequence of their greatly successful concert in the month of July when all tickets were completely sold out, they have been looking forward to make people aware of this event so that people have the chance to get together to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen and have great fun through the day singing patriotic songs free of cost.
Two excellent and prominent musicians, Nathan Waring and Lawrence Tao have a great number of fans in the north of Norfolk and are well known even regionally and nationally. Mr. Cumber added that they had been really lucky to make the most of their expertise and keenness at Sherringham and Cromer Choral Society.
Anyone interested in booking a seat for the free singing seminar programme can call on 01263 825146 or send an email to rosemoreton@btinterest.com.