Open day at Theatre by the Lake in Keswick

August 29th, 2017 by Sandy

Theatre by the Lake in Keswick (Cumbria), will be hosting an Open Day, throwing open its doors to all on 9th September, Saturday. The completely free event is part of Heritage Open Days this year. The theatre is inviting all with something for everybody, for all ages, at the height of home-produced rep season.

The visitors are allowed to take a peek at behind-the-scenes of the theatre and find out really what goes into production and running a theatre. The open day will include the chance to see the technical wizardry of scene shifting and how props are made, besides a backstage tour, chatting with actors, workshop on tasters of participatory Young & Elders companies and pop up performances.

There’s also the children’s craft and storytelling sessions themed around the production for Christmas – The Secret Garden. Friends of the Theatre will be at hand to answer questions of visitors from afar and local, at this theatre voted 3 year’ running as UK Theatre’s Most Welcoming Theatre in the Norh-West of England.

Assistant Producer, Tess Ellison, hopes people will learn something when they attend the open day ,with fun activities for all ages, with friendly staff to show you around, answer questions and give an insight of their jobs. The open day is a free event, non-ticketed, free to attend, with sign-up-on-arrival activities, but have to book for the backstage tour with limited capacity, by calling on Ph:017687-74411, to the Box-office.