The Kazimier in Wolstenholme Square will be at the forefront and centre of this year’s Liverpool Music Week festivities. The event, a 10-day festival of music, opens later this month and the Seel Street venue is all set to host 6 free shows over the 10 days, which includes the Grand Gala Opening party to be held on 25th October (Saturday), and also the final Closing Party on 31st October (Friday).
The shows to be hosted at the Kazimier venue are- Peaking Lights (on Grand Opening) on 25th October; Eagulls on 26th October; Hookworms (with Harvest Sun) on 27th October; The Antlers (with Evol) on 28th October; John Wizards (with Africa Oye and Obscenic) on 29th October; Liars (Closing Party with The Quietus) on 31st October.
The music event is packed with a line-up of the best acts, established and new, from both the local music scene and outside. The shows are free, but for entry to the shows, please book online in advance. Tickets are limited to 2 per customer for the free shows. There’s also a guaranteed entry paid ticket (£10) that guarantees entry to 3 shows of their choice at The Kazimier.