Inability to purchase expensive educational tools and software has left the poor ICT students behind the educational race. Since, companies are selling these products at high prices, many students cannot afford them. Some software may cost £60 and above and this has enabled them to spend their time doing something else rather than studying. Computer science has transformed the ways people connect and compute. One guy has developed Facebook and another had created Linux. Since, the possibilities are plenty all the students should have good access to ICT tools and resources. Although, costs for
educational software licenses have been reduced, there are students who cannot afford to spend even £30 on the software.
Free tools like Scratch, Alice and Greenfoot have made the lives of the students a little less complicated and easy. Free resources are offered at You Tube, the Khan Academy and codecademy. Open source curriculum, if becomes a reality would help many students to top in their classrooms and life. Free home access for all students is to be offered, if schools decide to implement computer science. An open source “wiki” style Schemes of Work should be built to create better opportunities for the students.
If ICT curriculum is to be reformed, the government and schools should ensure that education is accessible to every one.