Free Wi-Fi available at The Pantiles in Turnbridge Wells

December 18th, 2016 by Sandy

Free Wi-Fi has been installed at Britain’s oldest shopping centre at Turnbridge Wells, The Pantiles. The latest technology is now available to visitors to the shopping centre, but will have to sign-up giving some basic, standard details, like an email address, as they do with the borough council’s Wi-Fi being provided at Turnbridge Wells town centre.

The Upper Pantiles and also the Tunrnbridge Wells Common nearby, are owned by Targetfollow. They said 3 months were spent in planning and installing the facility. People liked to spend time in the area and the ‘Pantiles Hotspot’ will provide visitors fast browsing and easy uploads, without them spending their personal data allowance. A spokesman said on testing the Wi-F,i it could reach from Chalybeate Spring to the La Casa Cecchia restaurant, covering all of Upper Pantiles. Some parts of the Lower Pantiles, such as the the Duke of York, could get access, but not places like the Sussex Mews or the Corn Exchange.

Corin Thoday, the chief executive of Targetfollow, pointed out that people liked to spend time at The Pantiles and they are happy to introduce another service for visitors to enjoy. He recognised that a large part of leisure time is spent surfing the net and connecting to social media. Now visitors will be able to do this here without spending their personal dara allowances, he remarked. Following the great support for and their social media platforms, the ‘Pantiles Hotspot’ is a natural progression allowing people visiting to enjoy free W-Fi usage, he added.