Free highway code refresher for older drivers by Dorset council

October 20th, 2014 by Sandy

The Dorset County Council is offering elderly drivers across Dorset a highway code refresher. Drivers who are 70 years and above are given the chance to take part in a friendly session to discus about driving issues. This follows the success of a pilot project that helped older drivers with confidence and gave them a practical driver refresher session.

The sessions now offered doesn’t involve any driving. It covers subjects like changes in Highway Code, dual carriageway and motorway driving, negotiating junctions and roundabouts safely, new driving techniques, car adaptations and staying fit to to drive. An option for a practical refresher drive is being offered at a later date. This session is a 90 minute, one-to-one practical driving session, on the local roads with town and country driving. The session aims to to help hazard awareness, road positioning, improve defensive driving techniques and to provide tips that could help with vehicle fuel consumption and wear & tear reduction.

The free session will be offered without the normal charge to a limited number of persons, on a first come, first served basis. To book a place on the theory session and for further information, please call the road safety team on phone-01305 224558, or visit the site-