Free entry to members of armed forces at Royal Norfolk Show

June 23rd, 2019 by Sandy

The biggest event of Norfolk – Royal Norfolk Show has been organized by the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association on Wednesday – June 26 & Thursday – June 27, 2019 at the Norfolk Showground, Dereham Road, Norwich, NR5 0TT. The show will offer free entry to the members of the armed forces this year.

To mark the celebrations of Armed Forces Week between June 24 to June 29, the armed forces will get such free entry to their show ground. On June 24, the Armed Forces Day flag will be hoisted at the showground to mark the start of the the Armed Forces Weekend. On June 26, the Reserves Day will run at the show.

This year’s event feature wonderful events of farming displays, great food and live entertainment of Grand Ring programme and also features great line up of events for three services of military displays which includes The Household Cavalry Musical Ride. In the ride, there will be an amazing display of drills on horseback by the Queen’s official bodyguard and mounted escorts.

The premier team of the country – RAF Falcons Parachute Display Team will do the performance of freefalling from 30,000 feet into the Grand Ring twice on the day. The musicians and soldiers band – Band of the Parachute Regiment will be performing musical displays on both days in the Grand Ring. There will be displays, information, equipment and various activities by 3 services of armed forces in the Military Village.

Show Director & a former RAF officer – James Hill said that they feel delighted that as this year’s show is coming during Armed Forces Week, to mark the celebrations, they offer free entry to the armed members. There will be strong line up of activities and events especially military displays of all three services to mark big gratitude to them.

To get free entry to the showground, the armed personnel will have to produce a valid AF identity card (MOD 90) and should be in uniform. For more details, please visit and visit or follow on