Free childcare facilities could bring extra revenue

December 17th, 2011 by Sandy

An expert suggested that free childcare facilities could bring more revenues to the economy. It would raise millions in additional revenue from taxes on mothers who are working. Public Policy Research in the UK said that the government should spent £6.7 billion to provide free childcare facilities to all the children in the UK. However, the income of the working mothers will exceed the money. If mother could increase working days from 35 per cent to 50 per cent of days, government will be able to fund the additional amount of €5 million per annum for the free childcare facilities.

The study conducted during the last month by the National Statistics Office and the Labour Studies Centre suggested an increase in additional household income by €18.5 million per annum if the working days were increased to 50 per cent. Currently parents in the UK are spending lot in childcare centres. By providing good childcare facilities, the government will be laying a good foundation. Mothers will be encouraged to continue their work, if free child care centres are opened. The childcare free services will revenue, resulting in economic growth.

This type of investment by the government will help parents to cut their costs. The government that contributes heavily on education will fund free child care in an attempt to raise additional revenue to the economy.

via – Timesofmalta