Free Bike Station service to keep your bike fit and running

January 22nd, 2017 by Sandy

The Bike Station renovates and recycles bicycles, has vast experience in maintenance and are based in Edinburgh, Perth and Glasgow. The charitable company has a Dr. Bike service that can be hired to visit community groups, or schools, or events and provide peripatetic bicycle service.

Perth Bike Station will be holding a number of different sessions in Dundee, at the City Centre. They will be running at the Caird Hall from 10:30am to 12:30pm on 13th February (Monday) and 13th March (Monday). On the same dates the sessions will run at Abertay University, but a selection of reconditioned bikes for sale will also be available. Anyone is welcome to get a free bike health check-up.

A trained mechanic with tools, lubricants and small parts will help to keep your bike up and running. The free service is hugely popular at schools and events. Each bike gets a 20-point check-up and if needed gets new parts fitted. If it can’t be fixed on the same day, the issues will be highlighted on a Bike MOT form. It will be given to the rider to show them what work has to be done.