Thanks to Lancashire County Council, a variety of interesting activities will be hosted in Lancashire libraries for children and families over the festive season. People will get the chance to listen to seasonal stories, to singing of carols by school choirs, or a visit from Santa. In fact, there’s something for everyone. Included will be activities like a sing-along during a Christmas performance, or a pantomime hosted theatre hunt, with games, crafts and puzzles following.
The cabinet member looking after community and cultural services of Lancashire County Council, Councillor Peter Buckley, said they have got lots of seasonal activities designed with families in mind, planned over the festive period, taking place in libraries. Families can come and have fun, whatever the weather brings during the holiday, he added. Most are free activities, so there is no booking needed. Anyone who resides in the UK can join it, either online or by personally visiting a Lancashire library, as it’s free and with no age restrictions. Find out details about the free activities the Lancashire Libraries are hosting by going to the site –, or by telephone to 0300-1236703.