Free workshops on ‘cultural’ initiatives at Londonderry

May 24th, 2014 by Sandy

Under the initiative of Derry City Council’s ‘Culture Quarter’, the council will be holding free workshops on culturally based themes. Run by Derry City Council’s team for Cultural Relations, pupils of the local primary and secondary schools coming under Londonderry area, are being invited to book their places. The first round of the free workshops will run from 2nd June to 20th June, to coincide with the Community Relations Week. Booking ends on 26th May, Monday. To book or get details of the workshops contact Helena Kearney by calling 02871365151 ext 8223, or email to

Derry City Council will offer the schools 4 workshops. 1. Different Drums, 2. Story of Derry- Londonderry, 3. Ubuntu Workshop and 4. Marching Bands. All these workshops strive to promote understanding of diverse identities to raise awareness and foster reconciliation, in local areas. Martin Reilly, Mayor of Londonderry, pointed out that such workshops proved worthwhile for all communities and the Community Relations Team was happy to announce that this initiative will go on for the next 1 to 3 years, due to its success.