Bump to 3 is offering a free Gro-egg with two Grobags!

February 9th, 2010 by Sandy

Having brought about a nation-wide change in the way babies are put to bed through their unique Grobags, Bump to 3 deserves a lot of credit for giving peace of mind to the innocent parents of bawling babies! Their reliable and cosy Grobags, or baby sleeping bags to be more precise, are just perfect to give your baby a good night’s sleep. For two of these 2.5 tog Grobags, you can now get a Gro-egg absolutely free!

The Gro-egg digital room thermometer is unique in its own way, for it functions as a night light and also a room temperature indicator. Letting you know if the temperature of the room is too high, too low or just right, the Gro-egg glows red or blue to indicate the extremes and glows yellow when the temperature is safe for the baby to sleep.