Free tests being provided by pharmacies in Wales

September 6th, 2012 by Sandy

Free Tests by PharmaciesFree tests are being provided in Pharmacies in Wales to measure the probabilities of a person to suffer a stroke or develop diabetes.

The venture named One in Ten has been started in Wales that will offer free tests to the residents of the region to see who are the people who are likely to suffer a stroke or develop diabetes.

The main objective of the campaign that will go on for two weeks is to try to classify the ten percent of the inhabitants in Wales who are most likely in danger of developing the dreaded disease, diabetes or suffer a stroke.

On an annual basis 11,000 persons in Wales suffer a stroke and as per reports provided by Diabetes, UK Cymru, approximately 350,000 Welsh people do not even know that they are at the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

The Public Health Wales Unit if the Welsh government, Community Pharmacy Wales, the Stoke Association Diabetes, UK Cymru and seven health associations in Wales are getting together to make this project a success.

The pharmacists in each pharmacy will assist to examine the patients so as to determine signs of danger that would also include obesity and smoking.

The people who have been found to be in danger of developing the disease will be presented with a letter to be provided to their GP or be asked to have a talk with their personal doctors regarding their condition.

The Director of Diabetes, UK Cymru, Dai Williams stated that it was predicted that there was approximately 350,000 persons in Wales who were not aware of the fact that they are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

She went on to add that through this campaign, if at least a small part of those persons could be identified, it would be worth their while as akin to strokes, diabetes is also in a lot of ways connected to a person’s lifestyle. Once they are aware that they are in danger, they can take the necessary actions for better and healthier days ahead.