Artists to Perform At Free Festival Hosted by Staffordshire University

May 3rd, 2012 by Sandy

Free Noise Floor FestivalThe Beaconside campus of the Staffordshire University will host the Noise Floor Festival for the third time the coming week.

The event that is a combination of experimental electronic music with sonic art would be arranged by the Centre for Media, Arts and Technology at the university.

In the course of four days there would be nine programmes being conducted in the campus from Tuesday through Friday of the coming week.

Entry to the concerts would be free. There would be a wide range of electronica, acousmatic music as well as live performances from more than about fifty composers and artists hailing from in and around the country and afar.

A lecturer in music technology and a member of the Unique Research Centre at the University, Ben Ramsay would be the person trying to maximise the mixing of media knowledge, creativity, technology and craft skills.

He stated that it was their third year of this free concert that began as a rather small event has developed into a full-fledged programme in the matter of the two years just gone by.

He remarked that the free event was beginning to lure some of the prestigious and esteemed artists and composers throughout Europe, the UK and even from places as distant as Thailand.

He also added that as they wished that the whole affair would be inclusive and people could invite anyone who may display an interest in electronic music.

To people who have no idea of the varying forms of electronic music, Mr. Ramsay tries to explain by asking them to conjure an image of a group of loud speakers working together and that would offer the right concept.

The Noise Floor Festival will be held at the Beacon Campus of Staffordshire University from the 1st to the 4th of May of the current year and if anyone would like to get to know the details of the programme they only need to log on to