Free workshop Head for Work, focuses on workplace stress

April 26th, 2018 by Sandy

As part of the Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, mental health charity – Mind in Harrow, will be offering people free workshops to help cope with stress in the workplace. Workshops under the ‘Head for Work’ project will help people to create working environments that are mentally healthy. The theme of the awareness campaign is on stress and how to cope when under pressure. Anyone experiencing stress for a long time can develop mental health problems or can be making the problem worse.

The charity’s scheme will deliver “How to Cope with Stress and Improve Your Wellbeing” which are open workshops for workplaces, to help people feel supported and valued. Mark Gillham, chief executive of Mind in Harrow (Harrow, Middlesex), said their project provides specialist and tailored awareness training for mental health, which is employer focused. Their feedback is that the training can help self-management of stress levels by the staff.

People can explore the nature of stress, try to find its causes and also its effects. They will be given advice to help them deal with the problem. They get the opportunity to make an action plan after identifying their strengths, at these interactive ‘Head for Work’ workshops. Find know more about the free workshops, go to the Eventbrite site (, Otherwise email to Hanlie Burger at –