Technology and businesses are increasingly being driven by data science, machine learning and A.I.. To learn more about the latest approaches, a free event has been created, billed – ‘Me, Myself and A.I.’. The event created by Be-IT, SPARCK and BJSS is being held on 22nd March (Thursday) evening, at the BJSS office, located in central Glasgow.
The free event will focus on the fast evolving AI scenario, look at uses it already is put into, as well as the future of it. Key speakers will give a series of short talks that will look at different aspects of artificial intelligence, its evolution, practical applications in our personal lives and homes.
‘Me, Myself and A.I.’ has a line-up of first-class speakers. It includes Simon Sear, the founder of BJSS’ Digital-Design Consultancy – SPARCK. He will talk about how they have helped with the digital transformation of clients, the importance of user-centred design and the advancement of AI.
The CTO at BJSS, Carl Austin, will talk on how AI can change our lives for the better or worse, about driver-less cars, ways AI can improve the quality of eduction and about its effect on society. BJSS’ Head of Technology Consultancy, John Davis, will present ‘Understanding AI’, an appreciation of AI, what it is and isn’t, to understand how to harness its power.
Client Engagement Manager at BE-IT, Michael Phair, said they are happy to host this evening event partnering with BJSS and SPARCK, with an array of expert speakers. It is a free event and tickets can be booked online at the Eventbrite website (