Event on self-harm to be hosted by Sheffield Hallam University

February 9th, 2018 by Sandy

A free event is being organised by Sheffield Hallam University which will explore the growing issue of selfharm, on 24th February (Saturday). The event in Sheffield, open to the general public, at the City Campus of the university, is being funded by the Equality, Diversity and Social Justice Research Group.

The session is open to anyone interested in the issue of self-harm, which is an important health concern in the UK. The numbers seem to be rising and one study claims GPs in UK see a 68% increase in the number of girls under 17 years in hospital presentations of self-harm. The event will explore self-harm in its various aspects, that range from self-harm in people with intellectual disabilities, to techniques in harm-reduction. The session is being held a few days before the Self-Injury Awareness Day (falling on 1st March, Thursday).

Stephanie Hannam-Swain is the organiser of the event and currently doing research on experiences of self-harm of disabled people. She’s a PhD student and an associate lecturer of the university. There are limited places at the free event to be held this month and can be booked online at the Eventbrite website (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/self-harm-a-mini-conference-tickets-39414918081).