Lincoln Drill Hall hosting Nintendo gaming event

February 9th, 2017 by Sandy

The Lincoln Drill Hall will be hosting the Lincoln Japan Festival and the very popular Nintendo Gaming Event returns here in the weekend, to be held on 11th February (Saturday), from 10:00am to 11:00pm. The Japan Festival organised by Blueprint:Film presents a series of participatory and cultural events.

The first Nintendo gaming event held in 2015 at the festival, was a roaring success and so they have returned with more tournaments, more consoles and more prizes for people, explained the festival organiser Darren Bolten. He recommended pre-booking for each tournament, but alongside the tournament visitors can play for free on Nintendoland and Bomberman, throughout the day. There will be tournaments running here all through the day.

When the doors open at 10am, the first tournaments of Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 will start. Prizes offered include vouchers for Akedo, the new gaming cafe at Lincoln, amiibo figurines eShop money and other great prizes. Besides information available, a competitor can enter the tournament by buying a £3 ticket, from the site- The event offers free entry.