Lindisfarne Festival hosting a free Christmas Party

December 20th, 2016 by Sandy

The organisers of the Lindisfarne Festival are hosting in Newcastle, a free Christmas party in the festive spirit, to keep the air cheery and festive. The free party is to be held on 23rd December, Friday, at the Bar Loco. The event called Festive Frolics, will start at 8pm, to go on until late night, at the venue on Leazes Park Road.

This pre-Christmas event promises all-round festive merriment, in a night full of music and dance. The live entertainment has a line up that includes The Skrufz, Drop Dead Fred, Smooth Jezza and Dubz and Rick Fury. The Lindisfarne Festival 2017 will be held at the Beat Farm, which overlooks Holy Island, and once again from 31st August to 3rd September. If you happen to be one of the early birds who have booked a ticket for the Lindisfarne Festival 2017, you can take your e-ticket along to the party, to be bought at the bar a merry Christmas drink.

The fact that the free ticket for the shindig comes at the last week of shopping before Christmas day, is a big plus. If you like to your ticket, just go the website- Get one for your near and dear one too, all in time for a wonderful Christmas time.