Free tickets to retrospective on Mommartz films at CCA, Glasgow

December 19th, 2016 by Sandy

The CCA in Glasgow will be holding a retrospective on the work of German film maker Lutz Mommartz, in the coming month. Free tickets for the show is being offered by Transit Arts.

Shown at the event will be the ‘Sea is Infinitely Beautiful’ and the ‘Breath of the Sheep and the Sea’, including a screening programme and a performance, newly commissioned, by Carrie Skinner. Supported by the Goethe Institute Glasgow and the Lutz Mommartz Film Archive, this will be the first survey in UK of the work of the 82 year old Lutz Mommartz, the experimental film maker.

The programme includes Marcus Jack’s introduction and a live Q&A session with Lutz Mommartz, Marcus Jack and archivist Stefan Silies. The screening event is free at the Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), but free tickets are to be obtained. For more information visit the site- cca-glasgow.