The Ancient High House, on Greengate Street, Stafford, will be hosting on 1st October, Saturday, from 10:00am to 4:00pm, various crafts from the world of sewing, stitching, knitting and embroidery, plus a variety of other material crafts.
The Borough Broderers will be in residence at the museum displaying and demonstrating a variety of arts and sometimes give the chance to try them out to the public viewing the event. The museum will feature drapes for 4-post beds, curtains, Tudor dresses and tunics, great stump work box emblazoned details, etc. Visitors can also browse and buy from the stalls here. The practitioners and other experts will be available not only to show their work but to discuss the variety of embroidery works they have been producing throughout the years for the High House. There’s free admission on Saturday to the event and the museum. However there may be charges for the workshops.