Free event of stargazing at Glentrool

March 8th, 2016 by Sandy

A friendly family event, a free stargazing evening, is being organised as part of the British Science Week on 12th March. One will have the opportunity to learn more about the moon, the stars and the solar system in this event being led by one of the Biosphere Dark Sky Rangers, Elizabeth Tindal.  The event will be hosted at the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere there. It will be also be at Galloway Forest Dark Sky Park. Elizabeth Tindal will be helping everyone to get a good look with her astro binoculars at the new crescent shaped moon, besides the dark sky filled with stars to gaze. There will be a chance to discuss about stars and the importance of Earth in the Universe. A small fire will help to bake some damper bread or toast marshmallows. Those interested in joining the free event should wear warm clothing and can meet at 7:00pm at the premises of Glentrool Old School, Glen Trool, Dumfries and Galloway. To know more, call Elizabeth Tindal on 01671820814. Or please send an email to-