Free cycle lessons for adults and children at Broxtowe

January 17th, 2016 by Sandy

RideWise, the cycling charity, is partnering with Broxtowe Borough to offer free guided rides and cycle training for borough residents. Weekly sessions will be held during the week and weekends, at cycle centres based in Broxtowe. Advice, training, information and bike loans will be provided by qualified cycle instructors, as well as a bike ride weekly

These cycling sessions are ideal for those who like to use their bikes and save commuting costs, by those travelling by car to college or work. The skills are taught in a friendly and informal approach, such as to learn about road positioning and how to be seen by traffic, cycling safety, clothing and other equipment, tips for night time cycling or for bad weather.

The Eastwood cycle centre is based at the DH Lawrence Heritage Centre, with suitable training for children who are 5-years old and more and for adults too. As for the free sessions, the training is free for Broxtowe Borough residents. The guided rides are free for everyone. Other centres in Broxtowe are Stapleford and Beeston.