Free events by Google to help charities going digital

October 12th, 2015 by Sandy

The internet giant Google will be holding a series of free events during October and November in Birmingham and Leeds to help charities going digital and to get the best out of it. The events will provide one-to-one advice by experts from Google on a range of online issues. It will cover networking opportunities with local charity peers. Talks on charity specific functions, online storytelling and using social media for effectively building communities are included.

The events are part of a joint initiative of Technology Trust and Media Trust, called ‘Grow Your Charity Online’ and since 2012, gives charities free advice on digital tools. The joint initiative had earlier hosted events in Bristol, Newcastle and Edinburgh. The most recent one held, was at the Library of Birmingham.

Leeds Dock will be hosting two free events, one on 13th October (Tuesday) and the other on 20th October (Tuesday). Later, the Library of Birmingham will be hosting another two events. One will be on 3rd November (Tuesday) and the other on 10th November (Tuesday). As topics covered in each event are the same, participants can choose the one suitable for them. Spaces are only for charities and each charity can enrol up to 3 staff or volunteers for a free event.