Get Active course offers free places at The Zone, Huddersfield

December 11th, 2014 by Sandy

The ‘Get Active’ programme will be held at The Zone in the coming weeks, offering ladies free places for the course, but places are limited. The programme is led by the Huddersfield Community Trust and partnered by Sport England. The free course will be held every Tuesdays, for the next 6 weeks, at The Zone, which is on Leeds Road. All sessions will be inside the fantastic indoor facility.

The programme intends to cover the effects of smoking , alcohol and diabetes. It will host informative sessions which includes portion control and eat well plate. The physical taster sessions involves dodgeball, circuits, pom-fitness, stretch and tone. The free sessions intend to encourage women to start a healthier lifestyle, change their unhealthy habits. Some fun taster sessions will be given in different exercises and sports. To get more information on the session and to register, please contact by calling 01484 484 134 or send an email to-