Free taster session by Christian Youth Football league

December 4th, 2014 by Sandy

Free taster sessions will be hosted to start a Christian Youth Football League, all over North Norfolk. Children Youth and Family Missionary Simon Fenn, for the Church of England, has collaborated with Tim Stapleford of Norfolk-Christian-Football-League (NCFL), to hold these free taster session to promote the Christian faith in a positive approach, with the NCFL using the love for football here. The move is to bridge the gap between the wider community and the Church, and thus make the gospel accessible to more young people.

Tim Sapleford hopes that these taster sessions will start along the North Norfolk coast the beginging of the Christian football league focusing on schools of Hindringham , Blakeney , Walsingham and also Holt and Laugham. They organise local based league teams of 7-a-side for Under 10s/12s/14s and Under 16s. There are also have 11-a-side, church-based league teams. The first free session was held at the village hall in Blakeney on the first Saturday of November. On 6th December, Saturday, the next free taster session for Under 10s, for boys and girls of all abilities, will be held at Blakeney Village Hall, from 10AM to 12PM. For more information contact Simon Fenn. Phone-07585801450; email-; Facebook page- CYFMissioner; Twitter- @CYFMissioner.